Acorn care homes provide a warm atmosphere, modern facilities, a broad range of services, excellent home cooked food and expert individualised care given by dedicated, happy staff.
The Care Homes are situated on a hilly top that over look the North Downs that make them such a special place with an established team of people who really care about the individual needs of each resident.
Acorn Care Homes provides a complete range of specialist nursing care for elderly residents, covering a full spectrum of mental and physical impairments, palliative and respite care. The nursing home is set up to offer varied services, social activities plus support for residents hobbies and interests.
We aim to help residents exercise their right to choice in all aspects of their lives, from allowing them control over their own time, to offering a range of activities, to providing meals that enable then to decide where, when and with whom they eat and that there’s always a choice of delicious homemade food and drinks.
Give us a call for more information or to arrange to come and see for yourself.
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