There is an exceptional portfolio of medical care services available to Acorn Care Home residents, including mental health professionals, a diabetes nurse, specialist hospital provision, GP services and access to a doctor on call 24 hours a day to make sure our residents’ medical needs are appropriately prioritised and catered for.
We have a dentist and an optician who visit and can ensure optimum oral and visual health whilst a hairdresser, aromatherapist, reflexologist and a chiropodist contribute to a resident’s sense of normality and a preservation of their positive self-image.
The food at Acorn Care Homes is second to none, with every meal being carefully prepared from top quality fresh produce and varied monthly rolling menus that change with the seasons to keep mealtimes
interesting and fulfilling.
In addition to answering a resident’s physical needs, we also have visiting clergy to answer any spiritual needs, in line with the specified faith and denomination of the resident.
We always welcome suggestions for different activities that residents might enjoy and hold formal meetings with residents and any family or friends who wish to attend to plan the activities for the next quarter. Once the group has agreed a schedule, we actively communicate what’s going on to the whole resident population, providing the opportunity to get involved or not as they wish.
At Acorn Care Homes we believe that our residents should be involved with the community and often arrange trips and outings to various places of interest, from a day at the coast to an afternoon at the theatre. We are also in contact with the local schools where the primary school children will visit the homes to sing carols or share their nativity plays. The local secondary school invite our residents every year to their Christmas party as do the local church.
In addition to this we have regular entertainers that visit the home to entertain us with music, dancing
and reminiscing.
We also have a good collection of large print books, games, jigsaw puzzles, music CDs and DVDs that are always available for anyone who wishes to use them.
It’s both our responsibility and our pleasure to help residents maintain or re-develop a range of hobbies and interests; often we find that this encompasses helping them to discover new things to enjoy during their later years. Just because someone is in our care, it does not mean they have lost the interest or necessarily the ability to partake in hobbies and interests that brought them pleasure when they lived independently.
We will actively encourage and support them in pursuit of any suitable activity that they are able to participate in. Among our residents we have keen gardeners, model makers, artists, embroiderers, writers, and enthusiasts of all flavours from music, literature, radio, TV, sport, games and even those who enjoy nothing better than sharing a pint with friends who have taken them to the local pub.
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